Sunday, November 23, 2008

Alert: Holidays Ahead!

The holidays officially begin this week, and the "horns of plenty" are overflowing with tales of family eccentricity.

The Man, Small Child, and I will be - as of this minute - having a tiny Thanksgiving courtesy of multi-car pile-up of drama that I will do my best to pull together in an amusing post over the next few days.  I'm going to roast a duck and prepare my sinfully delicious cornbread-and-bacon stuffing (endorsed by the portfolio managers of cardiologists everywhere).  Yum.

On a vaguely related note, today is the birthday of both my adorable Third Nephew and my sister. I feted the former, a kind and loving child, by providing the comic relief at his birthday party. Bowling is not like riding a bike, it seems.  If one goes, say, thirty years without aiming a pin her skills do not rush back. But nothing puts smiles on the faces of the ten-and-under set like middle-aged physical comedy. I'm proud to serve.

Honoring my sister was not so easy. I opted for a drive-by: gift card in birthday envelope deposited in mailbox. Always the safe choice when the recipient isn't speaking to the giver.


Christy Raedeke said...

Oh, please detail...

Unknown said...

Hello! I am very excited to have won a book ! The last item I won was a shower cap when I was about 15. This sounds much better !! Still,thrilled as I am, Please don't worry about mailing me anything - after all I am way over here in the UK.Thanks for your kind thought. Sarah x

Anonymous said...

I do so love sibling rivalry. Brent